Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Finally Fall

It is finally the time of year that I love! No matter how I am feeling personally at a certain time when the fall weather hits it is so refreshing!! And finally it is here! It takes so much longer to get to TN but now that it has arrived I have an easier time smiling every day!!

As the weather as been getting cooler we have been starting to pull our some classic fall activities! Fall means pumpkins and this year we got together with our dear friends Kate and Matt to do a little pumpkin art!! Kate and Nate most definitely took home the artistic prize (considering Kate is an artist for her career!) but I think Matt and I gave a valiant effort!!

Left to right, Matt, Nate, Celeste and Kate :)

We kicked off our first Fall weekend with visitors! We were so excited to have Casey and Lauren come visit for the weekend!! Naturally since the weather was perfect we took them to some of our favorite fall spots, the Natchez Chase Bridge!! It was cloudier then we had hoped but it was still gorgeous!! It is probably one of my places in all of Nashville! I never get tired of visiting it!!

Some of my favorites of Lauren and Casey at the Bridge!!!
 Later on that day we got to enjoy the beautiful Golden Hour from one of our favorite places to eat!!! 

Favorites from Golden Hour after dinner!

Our first weekend of fall also brought a short but lovely trip from my dad! He had to be in town for some meetings so Nate, Chris and I got to meet up with him for a few hours at Buffalo Wild Wings! It was great!! He even treated :) Thanks for the yummy pretzels with quaso!!
 My fantastic sister also blessed us with a Fall Trick or Treat box!! She is the best and is always on top of the holiday seasonal festivities!!!

The cool Fall weather once again does not disappoint! It always seems to bring extra joy to my heart!! I am so thankful for the friends and family that have already added to the fantastic Fall!!!

Until next time,

Monday, October 7, 2013

Jonah Eleison Procuniar

I think my life has been defined by heaviness as of lately. First with the passing of my grandmother and now with the news of Jonah's Tumor. I did not find myself extremely emotional during my time in Iowa with family during my grandmother's services, not for a lack of sadness but I think I was choosing to suppress all the emotions and just enjoy my family during that time. I remember being proud of myself for keeping my emotions in check, as I am usually extremely emotional! I came home from Iowa a dove right into three long days at work! This also kept me busy allowing me to not think about my emotions! Friday I found out that Jonah had a cancerous tumor in his kidney. This hit me like a ton of bricks! I think all the emotions and heaviness that I hadn't been feeling all came streaming out and just knocked me over.

I had the privileged of watching Jonah every day for almost 3 years! He, Molly and Ben really just became an extension of mine and Nate's family. We love them like they are part of our family! We have loved over the past few years getting to watch Jonah grow up and learn! I often miss that time of life just hanging out with Jonah on a daily basis! It really made life so much fun!! About two years in Molly decided to stay home so I got to hang out with Molly and Jonah on a regular basis and I loved it!! We have so missed regularly having them in our life since our move!! We are always thankful for any trips back to Ohio when we get to spend time with them!! God has definitely used them to bless and bring much joy to our lives!

I have been trying to keep myself busy the last few days because whenever I think about little Jonah and all the tough things that are ahead for him I get so sad! I have been looking at many pictures from over the years and video's that make me laugh and smile! I so wish that I could be home to just sit and spend time with Molly, Ben and Jonah! God knows all and his timing is perfect so I have to trust that He knows all that Molly and Ben are going through and He knows exactly what encouragement they need and when. I am so thankful for my mom who has been able to spend lots of time with them! She has sent Nate and I many pictures and video's of Jonah! We love seeing his smiling face!! We got to talk to Jonah on Friday night, his first night at Children's, and it was wonderful! We will be calling him more over the next few weeks and I am so thankful for technology that allows us to do that!

Tomorrow Jonah has his surgery at  11:45!  I so wish I could be there to sit with Molly and Ben as they wait for Jonah to come out! Nate and I will be praying and fasting all day! We will be praying specifically for the hands of the surgeons that they will be steady and strong! We are praying that God will give Jonah peace in his little heart as he will be experiencing  some scary things tomorrow.  We will also be praying specifically for Molly and Ben as they wait, wait, wait tomorrow. We are praying that they will feel peace that only God can give!!

We love our little Jonah and we trust  Gods sovereignty over his life even in these scary time of uncertainty!

Psalms 46:1 "God is my Refuge and Strength a very present help in trouble"

Sara Groves "It's Going to be Alright"

It's going to be alright
It's going to be alright

I can tell by your eyes that you're not getting any sleep
And you try to rise above it, but feel you're sinking in too deep
Oh, oh I believe, I believe that

It's going to be alright
It's going to be alright

I believe you'll outlive this pain in you heart
And you'll gain such a strength from what is tearing you apart
Oh, oh I believe I believe that

It's going to be alright
It's going to be alright

When some time has past us, and the story if retold
It will mirror the strength and the courage in your soul
Oh, oh, I believe I believe,

I believe
I believe

I did not come here to offer you clich?'s
I will not pretend to know of all your pain
Just when you cannot, then I will hold out faith, for you

It's going to be alright
It's going to be alright

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Family Gatherings and Goodbyes

I spent the last four days in Iowa with my extended and immediate family to mourn and celebrate the home going of my dear Grandmother! She passed away on Saturday morning early and I flew out to be with my mom on Sunday morning. It was quick and unexpected but Grandma was ready to go! Although death is always sad it brings together family that we don't get to see often.

On Monday I was able to go with my mom to Grandma's room to help clean out her things. This was a special time of remembering Grandma and getting to hear about how loved she was by all the employees where she stayed! Mom showed us around the pond where she would walk with Grandma and sit in the sun! I am so glad my mom was able to spend so much time encouraging and caring for Grandma! The nursing home employees left a picture with a rose and note to honor Grandma's home going! It was very sweet and an encouragement to the family!

On Tuesday we were able to spend time as a family enjoying and sharing memories of Grandma before her viewing! She married my Grandpa when she was in her 50's so it was fun to hear stories about her life before that from her niece and nephew who she helped raise! It was also so encouraging to see many friends who came to honor Grandma's life! It is always good to be with family and friends! All week we visited restaurants that were Grandma's favorite! Huge thanks to Uncle Paul who took us out so many nights as we laughed and talked at a family while eating Grandma's favorite foods :)
 Although it was my mom's mom who passed my dad's siblings came to encourage our family as well! I am so thankful for both sides of my family and that they all support eachother! (Uncle John, Aunt Ruthie, Aunt Esther)

 It is so crazy how worlds collide! It was so encouraging to see Aubrey who I have known for ever! Now that she and her husband live in Iowa they were able to come for Grandma's viewing!

 Aunt Ruthie is always such an encouragement to all of us! So thankful she came from VA for a few days to be with my mom! I am thankful for her friendship to my mom!!

 At dinner with the Gray and Cato families after Grandma's Viewing!
Dinner at Chips, one of Grandma's favorite places to eat on Sundays with her nephew Charlie!

Grandma's funeral was on Wed morning! It was a beautiful service one she would have loved! We heard many kinds words about her and Sang a few of her favorite hymns! After the service the church provided a meal for us! It was a great afternoon just talking with family and enjoying one another as we remembered Grandma! Although there is some craziness God has really blessed our family and I was reminded of that as we spent time together the last few days!! I am so thankful for all of them!!
 Kristen, Grayson and I with Uncle Paul (moms brother) We are so thankful for him and it is always so good to visit with he and Aunt Rachel!
 My cousin John's Wife Elisa! She is such a blessing to our family! I am thankful that she John and the kids were able to come from CO!!
 Two worlds collide whenever we are in Iowa because we not only get to see my mom's side of the family but we also get to spend time with my family on the Cato side! I am so thankful to Justin and Kali for opening their home to me the last few days and for Jenni's continual encouragement!
It was so good to be together with my immediate family! It had been almost a year since I had seen Kristen and that long since we have all been together! I could not be more thankful for my amazing family!! I love them so much!! We missed Nate, Travis and Jaklyn! 

I flew home on Wed evening after the funeral! I was very thankful to spend so much time with my family but was glad to be back home with Nate!! I am thankful that he was willing to let me go and leave him home alone for a few days! I love him and am so thankful for his support always!! 
I will end with words from one of the hymns we sang on Wed at the service! So much truth! God is good and He is in control! I am thankful for the heritage that my Grandparents left behind!!

"And Lord, haste the day when my faith shall be sight,
The clouds be rolled back as a scroll;
The trump shall resound, and the Lord shall descend,
Even so, it is well with my soul."

"It is well, with my soul,
It is well, it is well, with my soul."

until next time,

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Playing Franklin Catch Up

So I thought I would highlight a few things that have made Franklin feel like home this last year and a half....

First Our Jobs...
      Nate is working for a healthcare company called Kemberton Health Care ( From what I understand they do third party billing for hospitals all over the country that do not have onsite billing facilities. I couldn't explain the ends and outs to you if I tried. Nate is enjoying the job for the most part. It is a steady schedule with paid time off, something he has never really had before. He loves the people he works with. Most of his superiors are Godly men and that makes for a very good work environment!
     I have been working for a year now at Little Star Kids' Gear ( It is a small childrens store in Franklin. It is really close to where we live and my bosses are amazing! They love God and their families have been such an encouragement to Nate and I as we have gotten to know them. They have small kids who they bring to work with them so I get to have my baby fix while working :). I am always telling Nate after working in this store I will be so much more prepared to have children. There is so much I have learned about stuff I didn't even know I was missing!! We are located Next to Whole Foods and so it is always fun to see who is going to come into the store on a daily basis. In conclusion I love my job! It has been a huge blessing to me!!

Second Our House Church
     Nate and I moved to Franklin with high hopes of solid community! Soon after we moved we started meeting with some old and new friends. Currently there are 7 of us that meet every Tuesday!! We are on our 39th week of New City Catechism ( The Catechisms have been a huge blessing as we are each week faced with another truth of scripture. Some weeks we agree more then others but it always leads to such encouraging and edifying conversation. God has definitely been using it to challenge Nate and I on what we believe and why we believe it! It has also been such a blessing as we intentionally are getting to know these seven people at a deeper level. We are regularly praying for each other and keeping each other accountable. It has been one of the biggest blessings for us here. God is for sure using this group to invest in our lives and allowing us to invest in theirs. We are so thankful for our Tuesday night house church.
    We also start each Tuesday night our with a family meal together. One or all of us help cook a meal and then we sit around the table and eat and talk and laugh. It is great. We most always cook at least one part of our meal in a cast iron (we love cast irons). Our meals are always vegan friendly as well because we love our resident vegan, vegan+chicken, and vegetarian members :)

                              Community Group Ceremonial Burning of our Christmas Tree!!!
        A few of us from our House Church Went to hear Missy and Jase Robertson Speak!
                                      Chris may actually be part of the Robertson Family :)
                This is the famous Cast Iron that we cook most of our House Church meals in :)
                                                         Dan is the proud owner!!
                                   This picture was at Nate's Birthday Celebration this year!!!
I had to get a picture of Lisa our 7th House Church attendee in here somehow...
Lisa and Dan are our resident Dating couple :) We love them!!

Sometimes things are hard
     I would say the thing I thought would be the easiest when we moved as been the hardest!! Here we are almost two years living in this new area and we have yet to find a church. We have been learning a lot about ourselves and how much we want/need out of church. We didn't realize how much we loved our churches at home and I think we have been looking for that and it has seemed nearly impossible to find. We are continually praying for God's leading and direction and that he would really give us a peace. In a place where there are churches EVERYWHERE I really did not expect this to be the thing that left us so discouraged. We would appreciate prayer as we continue on our search. We have been attending a church for the last month that we are enjoying. Pray that we would have wisdom and discernment as we dig deeper with this church and learn about who they are at the core of the church!
     We also still miss our home much of the time. We miss our families and the familiarity of home. We feel confident that God worked it out for us to move so we are trusting His leading still! We really believe that God is still teaching us important life lessons here in Franklin and for now we are waiting for his leading for the next thing in life!

Highlights from 1 1/2 years in Franklin

Nate Runs his 1st Half Marathon!!!

Nate surprised me with a trip to Disney World for my Birthday in June!

Living closer to Atlanta allowed us to meet Grayson and Jaklyn for about a day to go to the Reds vs Braves game!! It was a great time!!!  

Thanks for Reading! I promise not all my posts will not be this long!

Friday, September 20, 2013

Something Small to get started :)

So, I just had a long 1st blog prepared to share what God has been doing in our lives since moving to Franklin, TN! Somehow I lost it...I don't have the energy to re-write it all now so I will just start with something small and lighthearted for my first blog!!

Today, I am feeling thankful for the fall weather that is starting to find it's way to TN! It has been a really long and hot summer for me!! I am so looking forward to sweaters and scarves and cool brisk breezes! I am feeling extra thankful for my fabulous hubs today because he brought me this extremely yummy Pumpkin Spice Latte to work!! He really is better to me then I deserve!!

Until next time when I actually tell you about our life... :)