I spent the last four days in Iowa with my extended and immediate family to mourn and celebrate the home going of my dear Grandmother! She passed away on Saturday morning early and I flew out to be with my mom on Sunday morning. It was quick and unexpected but Grandma was ready to go! Although death is always sad it brings together family that we don't get to see often.
On Monday I was able to go with my mom to Grandma's room to help clean out her things. This was a special time of remembering Grandma and getting to hear about how loved she was by all the employees where she stayed! Mom showed us around the pond where she would walk with Grandma and sit in the sun! I am so glad my mom was able to spend so much time encouraging and caring for Grandma! The nursing home employees left a picture with a rose and note to honor Grandma's home going! It was very sweet and an encouragement to the family!

On Tuesday we were able to spend time as a family enjoying and sharing memories of Grandma before her viewing! She married my Grandpa when she was in her 50's so it was fun to hear stories about her life before that from her niece and nephew who she helped raise! It was also so encouraging to see many friends who came to honor Grandma's life! It is always good to be with family and friends! All week we visited restaurants that were Grandma's favorite! Huge thanks to Uncle Paul who took us out so many nights as we laughed and talked at a family while eating Grandma's favorite foods :)
Although it was my mom's mom who passed my dad's siblings came to encourage our family as well! I am so thankful for both sides of my family and that they all support eachother! (Uncle John, Aunt Ruthie, Aunt Esther)
It is so crazy how worlds collide! It was so encouraging to see Aubrey who I have known for ever! Now that she and her husband live in Iowa they were able to come for Grandma's viewing!
Aunt Ruthie is always such an encouragement to all of us! So thankful she came from VA for a few days to be with my mom! I am thankful for her friendship to my mom!!
At dinner with the Gray and Cato families after Grandma's Viewing!
Dinner at Chips, one of Grandma's favorite places to eat on Sundays with her nephew Charlie!
Grandma's funeral was on Wed morning! It was a beautiful service one she would have loved! We heard many kinds words about her and Sang a few of her favorite hymns! After the service the church provided a meal for us! It was a great afternoon just talking with family and enjoying one another as we remembered Grandma! Although there is some craziness God has really blessed our family and I was reminded of that as we spent time together the last few days!! I am so thankful for all of them!!
Kristen, Grayson and I with Uncle Paul (moms brother) We are so thankful for him and it is always so good to visit with he and Aunt Rachel!
My cousin John's Wife Elisa! She is such a blessing to our family! I am thankful that she John and the kids were able to come from CO!!
Two worlds collide whenever we are in Iowa because we not only get to see my mom's side of the family but we also get to spend time with my family on the Cato side! I am so thankful to Justin and Kali for opening their home to me the last few days and for Jenni's continual encouragement!
It was so good to be together with my immediate family! It had been almost a year since I had seen Kristen and that long since we have all been together! I could not be more thankful for my amazing family!! I love them so much!! We missed Nate, Travis and Jaklyn!
I flew home on Wed evening after the funeral! I was very thankful to spend so much time with my family but was glad to be back home with Nate!! I am thankful that he was willing to let me go and leave him home alone for a few days! I love him and am so thankful for his support always!!
I will end with words from one of the hymns we sang on Wed at the service! So much truth! God is good and He is in control! I am thankful for the heritage that my Grandparents left behind!!
"And Lord, haste the day when my faith shall be sight,
The clouds be rolled back as a scroll;
The trump shall resound, and the Lord shall descend,
Even so, it is well with my soul."
"It is well, with my soul,
It is well, it is well, with my soul."
until next time,